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Inquiry: The Power of Poetry with Tres Abuelas y una Mama

Enjoy a fun and stimulating conversation and poetry reading with Carolina Hospital, Nicole Hospital-Medina and Holly Iglesias previewing their upcoming collaborative chapbook from Anhinga Press, HOW TO GET INTO TROUBLE. This is part of the Stockbridge Library Museum and Archives poetry series.



Issue VI, Volume X : July 2019

Book Review: 

Key West Nights & Other Aftershocks
by Carolina Hospital
Anhinga Press, March 2019
ISBN-13: 978-1-934695-61-6

From Review by Lauren Tivey 

".What’s particularly poignant in Carolina Hospital’s newest collection, Key West Nights & Other Aftershocks, is how she wrestles with memory. Many of the poems are threaded by a palpable, underlying anxiety over forgetting the details of childhood and homeland...She also highlights feminist themes, bravely refusing to be intimidated by alarming details of bodily violence; in a way, she speaks for those who cannot speak for themselves, underscoring the difference between what one wants to remember, and what one needs to forget but must say in the aftershock of event..."

"Her book is a testament to not forgetting our own stories, with poetry acting as a bridge between trauma and collective healing. "

For entire review see:

Lauren Tivey is a Pushcart nominated poet of three chapbooks, most recently The Breakdown Atlas & Other Poems. She teaches English and Creative Writing at Flagler College, in St. Augustine, Florida.




 VOL 37 # 4.WINTER 2018

''Key West Nights and Other Aftershocks is a poetry collection that reclaims, denounces, and concedes truths and near-truths, fear and light...Key West Nights invites us to transform, to take on the form of sea, of light, of redemption because 'what I want to give you now/ is turquoise/ cool wide turquoise/ waves of turquoise wrapped in sunlight.' '' --Jose Emilio Fernandez Linden Lane Magazine, Winter issue, Vol. 37 No. 4, 2018. (excerpt in English translation from the original in Spanish ).

Review written by José Emilio Fernandez, Cuban poet, author of  En la hora de los peces.

Poetry Reading at Miami Dade College 2014

On March 10, 2014, at Miami Dade College, Kendall Campus, novelist, poet, and professor Carolina Hospital read from her poetry memoir entitled, "The Child of Exile," published by Arte Publico, University of Houston. Hosted by Professor Sandra Castillo.




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